Prof. Christian DEBRY nominated as new CEO of the IHU Strasbourg
Christian DEBRY, 62, University Professor and hospital practitioner at Strasbourg University Hospitals (HUS), has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the IHU Strasbourg, which specializes in image-guided minimally invasive surgery. Professor DEBRY will take up his post on 1 January 2024, for a 4-year term, replacing Professor Didier MUTTER, whose appointment expires on 31 December 2023. Professor DEBRY is Head of the ENT and Cervico-facial Surgery Department and Head of the Head and Neck Unit at the Strasbourg University Hospital. He is a member of Inserm “Biomaterials and Bioengineering” Unit 1121, and Vice-Dean of the Strasbourg Faculty of Medicine, in charge of international relations. He has extensive experience in translational research in the field of medical technologies, and has founded several start-ups. The international selection panel underlined Professor DEBRY’s extensive international experience and his skills in research and innovation, which will be essential assets for the future of the IHU Strasbourg.
About the IHU Strasbourg
The IHU Strasbourg was created in 2011 under the aegis of Professor Jacques Marescaux. It is a multidisciplinary institute dedicated to the development and dissemination of image-guided minimally invasive surgery, with a high level of precision and safety, with patient benefit being the highest priority. The IHU Strasbourg’s programmes focus on combining the most advanced interventional techniques, harnessing artificial intelligence to guide the overall surgical process, and taking into account the entire care pathway to guarantee the positive impact of innovations for patients and society. The IHU Strasbourg is supported by public and private founders, and is positioned as a network leader for the development of minimally invasive therapies, with a dynamic approach that systematically integrates care, research, training, and commercialisation. Its transfer model is based on accelerating the development of discoveries to commercial maturity through rapid clinical evaluation, and it favours the creation of companies to create specialised jobs in a cutting-edge sector in which France aims to be a leader.
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