Discover the Hacking Health Camp 2024: Spotlight on Health Innovation

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Get ready to plunge into the exciting world of healthcare innovation at the 10th Hacking Health Camp 2024! IHU Strasbourg is proud to be a loyal partner of this unique project, to be held from April 5 to 7. This event promises to push the frontiers of healthcare innovation like never before.

The IHU Strasbourg Surgmetrics project was awarded the University Hospitals of Strasbourg Prize in 2023 for its ambition to improve real-time pre-operative diagnostics with aid of AI-based technology.

The concept

  • Get inspired: Immerse yourself in captivating discussions led by visionary speakers who are shaping the healthcare innovation landscape.
  • Learn: Explore the complex dimensions of healthcare innovation through legal, medical, technological, design and entrepreneurial aspects.
  • Do: Immerse yourself in the action by joining multidisciplinary teams to transform your innovative ideas into tangible prototypes in just 50 hours at the Hackathon!

Hacking Health Camp 2024

How to get involved?

  • Carrying out a Project: Are you facing a recurring healthcare challenge? Share your project idea and collaborate with other experts, healthcare professionals and visionaries to bring it to life! Whether you’re a healthcare professional, paramedic, patient or caregiver, your contribution is invaluable.
  • Contribute to a Project: Whether you’re a developer, designer, healthcare professional or simply passionate about innovation, join us to contribute your expertise and make a significant impact!

Why take part?

Hacking Health Camp isn’t just a hackathon*, it’s an unprecedented opportunity to:

  • Push the boundaries of collaboration and problem-solving;
  • Design user-centered prototypes that meet real needs;
  • Refine your prototypes and understand the needs of the healthcare sector under the supervision of major industry players.

Save the date: April 5-7, 2004

Don’t miss this Hackathon for healthcare innovation!
Reserve your place by registering here

Together, let’s spark a revolution in healthcare innovation!
For more information, visit:

*Collaborative Innovation Marathon

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