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IHU Strasbourg and ICube have successfully organized CLINICCAI, the first clinical day at the international MICCAI conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions on September 29. CLINICCAI and MICCAI, initially planned to be hosted in Strasbourg, took place virtually this year. CLINICCAI featured 23 oral presentations by clinicians, who showed and discussed their research on the more translational and clinical aspects of medical image computing, computer-assisted interventions, and medical robotics. The event was a great success!


An interview of Prof. Nicolas Padoy about CLINICCAI (p. 22):

IHU Strasbourg has sponsored the best presentation awards, attributed to:

Fiona Kolbinger, for the work:
Artificial Intelligence for context-aware surgical guidance during robot-assisted rectal resection – an exploratory feasibility study
Kolbinger, Fiona; Stefan Leger; Matthias Carstens; Franziska M. Rinner; Stefanie Krell; Alexander Chernykh; Sebastian Bodenstedt; Johannes Fritzmann; Marius Distler; Jürgen Weitz; Stefanie Speidel

Cesare Hassan, for the work:
Optical diagnosis assisted by real-time Artificial Intelligence for <5 mm rectosigmoid polyps (Artificial intelligence BLI Characterization; ABC study) Rondonotti Emanuele, Hassan Cesare, Tamanini Giacomo, Antonelli Giulio et al.

These awards include a 2-days research visit at IHU Strasbourg, free of charge -congratulations to the awardees!


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