CLINICCAI: The First Clinical Day at MICCAI!

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Save the date: September 29th, 2021

Don’t miss the chance to discuss your research on the more translational and clinical aspects of medical image computing, computer-assisted intervention, and medical robotics at the first edition of CLINICCAI!

This international event dedicated to healthcare practitioners will be a fantastic opportunity to network with renowned biomedical scientists and get inspired by the scientific sessions and social happenings of the 24th edition of the MICCAI conference.

Healthcare practitioners from academic centres and start-ups are kindly invited to submit their abstracts by May 24, 2021, for a chance to compete for the CLINICCAI Best Presentation Award!

CLINICCAI will be held on September 29, 2021, as a hybrid event – allowing both onsite and online participation. Presenting healthcare practitioners can take advantage of a discounted registration to attend MICCAI 2021, to be held from September 27 to October 1, 2021.


We look forward to welcoming you at CLINICCAI!

For more information, visit the CLINICCAI website

Download the Call for Abstract

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